Hysingla, technically known as hydrocodone bitartrate, is an opioid-containing medication that is used for treating severe or chronic pain. The opioid ingredient in Hysingla is Hydrocodone Hydrocodone, a schedule II controlled substance. Any prescription opioid drug can be hazardous to a person’s health. This is especially so for those with a predisposition to abusing and misusing drugs, particularly opioid-based formulations.
What is Hysingla Addictive?
Any drug, Hysingla included, can be unsafe when not taken as instructed. When opioids are concerned, the chances of the drug turning dangerous only increases. Hysingla has a very high habit-forming potential, even at the regular dosage. Also, when Hysingla is taken as prescribed, it poses a whole list of side effects:

Constipation or diarrhea
Decreased appetite
Stomach pain
Increased perspiration
High blood pressure
Life-threatening respiratory depression
Withdrawal symptoms
Sign & Symptoms of Hysingla Abuse
Since Hydrocodone Hydrocodone is the opioid ingredient that causes Hysingla to be unsafe, let’s take a look at the signs and symptoms of abuse that accompany hydrocodone abuse. There are many physical and behavioral effects associated with hydrocodone abuse include:
Slowed breathing
Pinpoint pupils
Poor coordination
Slowed heartbeat
Severe mood changes
Nausea and vomiting
Slurred speech
Dry mouth
Poor decision making
Decreased motivation
Increased risk-taking behavior
Hysingla withdrawal symptoms may include:
Muscle and bone pin
Feeling anxious and nervous
Itchy skin
Intense cravings for the drug
Isolation from loved ones and friends
Overdose is also a highly likely side effect when a person is abusing Hysingla.
In the case of an overdose, the primary priority is first to re-establish the airway and breathing so that the heart will keep beating. In extreme cases, a dose of naloxone or nalmefene will be administered to nullify the effects of opioid drugs on the body. Overdose is life-threatening and should not be taken lightly.
Get the Help You Need Before it’s too Late
As you can see, Hysingla is not a drug to be joked around with and can cause severe health problems, as with any opioid pain medication. If you or someone you love is poised to take the necessary steps to get sober, the best way to start is with a medically assisted detox process. Once you have detoxed, the best and safest option to get off and stay off Hysingla is by using one of the many treatment programs we offer at the United Recovery Project.
We offer many different treatment programs that provide therapeutic education and guidance for each individual to reintegrate into society safely. With the help of our therapists, we offer one-on-one, group therapy, and many other specialized options to fit each person’s needs. Treatment requires a multi-layered approach for maximum success.